- III-LIDI participates, from its creation in 2022, in the UNI UEAR Argentinian- European University Alliance Committee for Digital Transformation. This is an initiative that is promoted by the European Union along with the Argentinian National Interuniversity Board (CIN for its acronym in Spanish) and also with other similar organisms. Currently, it is formed by five Argentinian universities: UNS, UNLP, UNSAM, UNQ, UBA and four European universities: UWK (Austria), TUD (Países Bajos), EUI (Italia), PG (Polonia).
- III-LIDI participates, from its creation in 2020, in the Committee of I+D+I (Investigation, Development and Innovation) in Cloud Computing, Big Data & Emerging Topics (CCC-BD&ET). Its goal is to carry out academic cooperation actions that are related to human resources training, the formulation of joint investigation projects and the coordination of activities linked to companies and organizations related to the computer sciences industry in regions and countries where groups of I+D+I (from UNLP, UNSL, UNS, UNCu in Argentina; UAB, UCLM, UCM, UNIZAR in Spain and UCM in Chile) belong to; also, associated researchers (from UNdeC, UNCOMA, UNGS, UNRN, UNSJ in Argentina and URV in Spain) are part of the Committee.
- III-LIDI participates from 2023 in UNITA Geminae. Its goal is to provide competences and skills that allow students to be the future participants in Economic Sustainability, based on social inclusion and equality with local, regional and global impact. It is based on the active cooperation among universities outside the European Union (UNLP, ITBA, UNCuyo (Argentina), FBS, UB, UEC, UEOP, UFB, UFMG, UFV, UFRJ, URB (Brasil), UQTR, US (Canadá), ULH (Cuba), UCC, UA, UR, UNC (Colombia), UASLP, UM (Mexico), UASD (Dominican Republic); UB (Argelia), UAC (Benín), 2IE (Burkina Faso), UCV (Cabo Verde), UA (Madagascar), UH2C (Morocco), UPM (Mozambique), UNTL (Timor-Leste)) y los socios de UNITA (Agencia Universitaria de la Francofonía – AUF, Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos – OEI, Asociación de Universidades de Lengua Portuguesa – AULP).
- III-LIDI participates, from its creation in 2018, in the CAP4CITY Committee. Its goal is to strengthen the Governance Capacities for Sustainable Smart Cities defining courses/university courses of study with a collaborative participation from South American and European universities that form the committee (DUK, Austria; TUT, Estonia; TU Delft, Netherlands ; GUT, Poland; UNS and UNLP, Argentina; PUCRS and IMED, Brazil; UEC and ECI, Colombia; UCN and UTFSM, Chile).
- III-LIDI participates, from its creation in 2012, in the Network of Applications and usability of Interactive Digital Television, whose research and development field consists of studying, developing and assessing Interactive Digital Television (TVDi). One of the main goals is the training of human resources and the strengthening of research through teamwork among different national and international institutions for the development of content for TVDi and related technologies with the ultimate goal of improving Latin American people. It has the participation of 29 universities from Spain, Portugal and 11 Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela).