III-LIDI establishes agreements on technology knowledge transfer with private companies and the public sector for the analysis, design and implementation of software solutions.
One of its main goals is to take out patents and Registered Intellectual Property for technological products.
The emphasis is on projects that generate technological (or methodological) innovation in the public sector as much as in the private sector.
An interaction area between companies and the public sector is the training staff and the technical consultancy and information technology and equipment audit as well.
Addressees: Professional Council of Surveying Engineering of Buenos Aires Province (CPA in Spanish)
Aim / Subject: Development of an internet voting system for CPA authorities election (2021 elections).
Agreement/Accord Date: from 03/26/2021
Addresses: Professional Council of Speech Therapists of Buenos Aires Province (COFOBA in Spanish)
Aim/ Subject: Development of an internet voting system for COFOBA authorities election (2022 elections).
Agreement/Accord Date: from 9/7/2021
Addressees: Professional Council of Surveying Engineering of Buenos Aires Province (CPA in Spanish)
Aim/ Subject: CPA Electoral regulations consultancy (2022 elections)
Agreement/Accord Date: from 10/21/2020 al 10/21/2021
Addressees: Provident Fund Council for Pharmaceutical Sciences Professionals of Buenos Aires Province (CAFAR in Spanish).
Aim / Subject: Development of an internet voting system for CAFAR authorities election (2014, 2016, 2018, 2021, 2022 elections).
Agreement/Accord Date: from 07/10/2013
Addressees: Professional Council of Computer Sciencies of Buenos Aires Province (CPCIBA in Spanish)
Aim / Subject: Development of an internet voting system for CPA authorities election (2016, 2018 and 2021 elections).
Agreement/Accord Date: from 12/10/2015
Addressees: School of Computer Sciences – School of Engineering. UNLP.
Aim/Subject: Development voting system for Computing Engineering students as an option for an academic unit.
Agreement/Accord Date: desde 01/03/2022
Addressees: School of Computer Sciences – UNLP.
Aim/Subject: Admission Control at the School of Computer Sciences.
Agreement/Accord Date: from 07/01/2021
Addressees: School of Computer Sciences – UNLP.
Aim/Subject: Attendance Control in the Initial Course of the School of Computer Sciences.
Agreement/Accord Date: from 12/01/2021
Addressees: School of Computer Sciences– UNLP.
Aim/Subject: Development, evolution and maintenance of a system for students entering the School of Computer Computer Sciences.
Agreement/Accord Date: from 07/01/2019
Addresses: School of Computer Sciences-UNLP.
Aim/Subject: Administrative Management Website.
Agreement/Accord Date: from 08/01/2018
Addressees: National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET)
Aim /Subject: Development, implementations and maintenance of a software system called: “La Plata City CCT Management”
Agreement/Accord date: from 06/25/2015
Addressees: School of Economic Sciences– UNLP.
Aim / Subject: Development and maintenance of the “School of Economic Sciences Digest”.
Agreement/ Accord Date: from 06/01/2015
Addressees: School of Computer Sciences – UNLP.
Aim / Subject: Development and maintenance of the “Classrooms Administration System”.
Agreement/Accord Date: from 06/01/2014
Addressees: School of Computer Sciences – UNLP.
Aim/ Subject: Development and maintenance of the “Inventory System”.
Agreement /Accord Date: from 01/09/2014
Addressees: School of Computer Sciences– UNLP.
Aim/Subject: Development, evolution and maintenance of the Bachelor’s degree students’ dissertation System at the School of Computer Sciences.
Agreement/Accord date: from 07/01/2020
Addressees: Postgraduate Department – UNLP.
Aim/ Subject: Development and maintenance of a UNLP Postgraduate Department Management system.
Agreement/Accord date: from 08/15/2011
Addressees: Postgraduate Department – UNLP
Aim/Subject: Development and maintenance of a WEB system to book classrooms.
Agreement/Accord date: from 04/01/2011
Addressees: Intellectual Property– UNLP
Aim/Subject: Design, development and maintenance of a software system for the management and administration of the request forms for invention patents.
Agreement/Accord date: from 09/01/2010
Addressees: Agreements Office – UNLP
Aim/Subject: Design, development and maintenance of a software system for the management and administration of UNLP agreements.
Agreement/Accord date: from 12/15/2021
Addressees: School of Economic Sciences– UNLP.
Aim / Subject: Development and maintenance of the Postgraduate Department system.
Agreement/Accord date: from 06/01/2012
Addressees: Astronomical Sciences and Geophysics School- UNLP
Aim/ Subject: Implementation and maintenance of a High Performance Computing System.
Agreement/Accord Date: 01/03/2010
Addressees: Head Office of Remote Education – UNLP
Aim / Subject: Maintenance of EAD servers.
Agreement/Accord date: 01/04/2011
Addressees: University Policy Department
Aim / Subject: Factory of Ideas. Project Stage 1 of the Strategic Plan for Entrepreneurship.
Date of agreement / Contract: 01/04/2017
Addressees: Undersecretary’s office for Knowledge Management and Dissemination, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Province of Buenos Aires.
Aim / Subject: Development of a serious augmented reality game, Darwin Route, used in the framework of a travelling exhibition in the province.
Contract / agreement date: 01/03/2018
Addressees: School of Computer Science – UNLP
Aim / Subject: Development, evolution and maintenance of the Electronic Voting System (hardware and software) for remote voting at the School’s headquarters.
Contract / agreement date: 15/08/2008
Addressees: School of Computer Science – UNLP
Aim / Topic: Research and development for the IDEAS environment.
Contract / agreement date: 01/08/2016
Addressees: Plan 111mil – National Ministry of Education.
Aim / Subject: Training and courses.
Addressees: SEK International University (Ecuador).
Aim / Subject: Training and postgraduate courses.
Addressees: University of the Armed Forces ESPE (Ecuador).
Aim / Topic: Training and postgraduate courses.
Addressees: Revenue Agency of the Province of Buenos Aires (ARBA).
Aim / Subject: Training and courses.
Addressees: National University of the Northwest of the Province of Buenos Aires.
Aim / Subject: Training and postgraduate courses.
Addressees: National University of Tierra del Fuego.
Aim / Topic: Training and teaching of postgraduate courses.
Addressees: Network of National Universities with Computer Science Degrees (RedUNCI).
Aim / Subject: Training and courses.