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III-LIDI is a research, development and knowledge transfer unit recognized by the National University of La Plata (UNLP). It is part of the School of Computer Science at UNLP.

It was founded in March, 1984 as a Computer Science Lab (LAC) by the Mathematics Department from the School of Exact Sciences, UNLP (Computer Science was part of this Department).

In December, 1986, it was called Laboratory of Research and Development in Computer Science (LIDI) within the new Computer Science Department of the School of Exact Sciences.

In 1995, It was formally approved as a Laboratory of the School of Exact Sciences by the National University of La Plata (Record Number 700-39323).

Since the foundation of the School of Computer Science, on June, 1st 1999, the Laboratory became then part of it.

In February, 2003, it was approved and considered Institute by the Computer Science School, and in 2005 by the UNLP.

III-LIDI is associated with the High Performance Computer Science National System (SNCAD) of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Argentina (MINCyT-Record 065/12) since December 2012.

III-LIDI is a CIC member since November 2016.